Thursday, 14 April 2016

Hoo Swee Tiang-Best Dentist in Singapore

Hoo Swee Tiang - Instructions Following Tooth Removal

Congratulations on having undergone a successful surgery with Dr Hoo Swee Tiang! As you rest and recover, our main concern now is for the bleeding to stop as soon as possible. To facilitate this, we would appreciate that you abide by the following:


Please note that it is not the gauze that stops the bleeding but the pressure applied by the gauze on the surgery site. Simply holding the gauze in place is less effective than maintaining a firm biting pressure. You may remove the gauze after 1 hour. The surgical site should look very clean and dry at this time.

  For 2 hours following the surgery, avoid doing 3 things:

·         SPITTING

Post surgery, we would like the blood to clot as quickly as possible. Some patients who do not like the taste of their saliva may do the above in an attempt to lessen the taste in their mouths. These activities all carry the risk of disturbing the blood clotting process and may result in prolonged, ‘difficult to control’ bleeding situations.


The medications prescribed include antibiotics, painkillers, an anti-swelling medication and an antiseptic mouthrinse.


Good rest is the best way to help your body recover faster.

Best regards,

Friday, 1 April 2016

Dr. Hoo Swee Tiang-Top Dentist in Singapore


Dentures which are also known as removable partial dentures are appliances that usually consist of artificial teeth connected to a pink (or gum-coloured) plastic base which may or may not be attached to a metal structure.

These dentures are removable in that they can be taken out or inserted by the patient. Dentures are attached to your natural teeth by metal clasps or attachments.

- How long should I wear the denture and can I wear the denture to sleep?
Your general dental practitioner will be able to provide you with the specific instructions on how long the denture should be worn and when it should be removed. Generally, these dentures can be worn throughout the day and only removed at night before sleeping and worn again the next morning.
It is not advisable to continue wearing the denture at night while sleeping. A denture is a foreign object and can trap plaque and bacteria causing gum disease and dental decay especially at night when our teeth are more susceptible bacteria attacks
Initially, your dentist might ask you to wear your denture all the time for about a week. This would likely be uncomfortable but would help the dentist identify areas of high pressure caused by the denture and adjust the denture to ensure a better fit

- How long will it take to get used to wearing a denture?
It will generally take a few weeks for you to get used to the denture. Initially you might experience some difficulty in speech as the denture might feel bulky and awkward in the mouth. Never attempt to use any appliance to bend the wires on your own as the denture might be damaged. Always feedback any concerns to your general dental practitioner and allow your dentist to advise you or adjust the denture accordingly.

- How do I take care of my denture?
Brush your denture daily to remove food and plaque deposits with a denture brush or any soft-bristled toothbrush. Brushing daily will prevent the denture from becoming permanently stained as some stains do get incorporated in the denture. Do remember to either place a folded towel or bowl of water under the denture while cleaning it to prevent accidents where the denture is dropped and damaged. Your general dental practitioner will also be able to recommend you on the necessity of using denture cleaners.

- How long can my denture last?
As we age, our bodies and bones continue to undergo structural changes and our denture might not be properly fitting in a few years. Poorly-fitting denture can do damage to the remaining teeth and gums. So do continue to go back to see your general dental practitioner for yearly reviews so that adjustments can be made to ensure a good fit.  Generally, full dentures may need to be re-made every 3-5 years.

Monday, 28 March 2016

Dr Hoo Swee Tiang Dental Expert in Singapore

  •  When can I expect my child’s first tooth to come in?
The two lower front teeth (central incisors) usually appear at about 6 months of age. This is followed shorty by the two upper front teeth. All 20 baby teeth should be in by three years of age.
The approximate ages at which the baby teeth erupt is illustrated below.
  • Why can sleeping with the milk bottle cause tooth decay?
Over the night, the milk that stays in the mouth breaks down to sugars. Prolonged exposure of the baby’s teeth to these sugars causes tooth decay. If left untreated, it can lead to pain, infection and even early loss of the baby teeth.

  •  When can my child start using fluoride toothpaste?
When your child is old enough to predictably spit the toothpaste. This usually occurs around 3 to 4 years of age. Fluoride is important for strengthening enamel (the outer surface of the tooth) and preventing tooth decay. However, ingesting too much fluoride can result in fluorosis (staining of the tooth surface). Use only a tiny amount of toothpaste each time.

  •   At what age should I bring my child to see a dentist?
The American Dental Association recommends that a child should have his first dental exam no later than 1 year of age. This is to ensure that your child’s teeth are developing normally, and allows your dentist to discuss proper basic home oral care for your child. 

  •  Baby teeth will be replaced eventually, should cavities on baby teeth be filled?
Yes. Baby teeth are very important. They are required for the child to chew food, speak clearly, and retain the space for the permanent teeth. The last baby teeth are replaced only around 12 years of age. Premature loss of the baby teeth can lead to crowding of the permanent dentition. 

Contributed by Dr HooSwee Tiang